NationalNews Letter

Alan Kyerematen Pledges to Implement the Lowest Tax Rate in ECOWAS During His Leadership in Ghana

The Founder and Leader of the Movement for Change has pledged to abolish several taxes on imports that he considers unnecessary and burdensome for the trading community. He made this commitment during a meeting with members of the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA).

Mr. Kyerematen emphasized that eliminating these taxes and levies would establish Ghana as the country with the lowest tax regime within the ECOWAS subregion. He believes this action will create a more favorable environment for trade and investment, ultimately fostering economic growth and development.

The pledge underscores Kyerematen’s dedication to addressing traders’ concerns and fostering favorable business conditions in Ghana. By eliminating these taxes, he intends to lower the cost of doing business, boost trade activities, and improve Ghana’s economic competitiveness within the region.

“Under my presidency, Ghana will have the lowest tax rate regime in ECOWAS,” he said.

“I will ensure a recalibration of the existing tax regime structure to optimize revenue mobilisation from direct taxes (personal and corporate), and reduce over-reliance on indirect taxes (import duties, levies, and charges) to make the corporate sector more competitive and profitable.”

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