
Be bold and admit to Ghanaians that dumsor is back – NDC urges government

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has urged the ruling government to acknowledge the nation’s current intermittent power supply, commonly known as ‘dumsor.’

The NDC argues that the government is deliberately avoiding an official admission of the situation and failing to provide a load-shedding timetable.

In an interview, NDC’s Deputy General Secretary, Mustapha Gbande, urged the government to openly acknowledge the issue and explore viable solutions.

“Can somebody in the NPP under President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo be honest enough to say that, look, this is the reality, we are back to Dumsor as President Mahama did? So it is a school of thought of a dishonest class of people against a group of people who are willing to be real with the Ghanaian people.

“That is the same game plan they used in deceiving all of us and we have gotten to this point where we are. It is just a bunch of people who do not have an appreciation of truth.

“They are not truthful to the people of Ghana. They have refused to be truthful to the people of Ghana. They will never be. The same people are rebranding themselves that Ghanaians should give them another opportunity.

“They are afraid that if they come to tell Ghanaians that we are having dumsor, they will be punished politically. The ordinary voter who sleeps in dumsor feels the impact.”


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