
Cheddar defends his promise to dredge to extend the sea to Kumasi.

If you’ve ever questioned the commitment to dredge and extend the sea to Kumasi, as outlined by Nana Kwame Bediako, leader of the New Force Movement, rest assured that he remains resolute in his ambition to achieve this goal if elected as Ghana’s next President.

He clarified that his intention is to expand water transportation to Kumasi rather than literally extend the sea to the city.

According to Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar, the lake presents the most promising and strategic opportunity for establishing a comprehensive nationwide inland water transport network.

‘I had Volta in mind when I talked about dredging the sea to Kumasi’, he explained.

He indicated that his goal is not to bring the sea to Kumasi but rather industrialize by expanding water transportation in the country.

‘Water transportation brings a new life to humanity because you are talking about finding a new path that no one have used,’ he said this while on “his listening” tour of Volta Region.

Amidst backlash and criticism regarding his proposal to dredge and extend the sea to Kumasi, Cheddar remains undeterred, focusing not only on his presidential aspirations but also on the potential of water resources for the country’s development.

During his recent tour of the Volta Region, the presidential candidate emphasized the importance of the Volta Lake, the world’s largest man-made lake, in driving industrialization and economic growth.

Speaking to students and youth at the Ho Technical University, he discussed his plans to harness the potential of the Volta Lake to develop a water transport system, facilitating coastal transportation and fostering development.

Nana Kwame Bediako, a Ghanaian businessman and chairman of the Kwarleyz Group, has been actively engaging with the public and media since announcing his presidential bid on January 7, 2024.

As the elections draw near, the political landscape intensifies, with questions arising about whether Nana Kwame Bediako’s vision resonates with the people and if he can be the transformative leader the country needs.

In addressing local leaders and representatives from the Volta region, he expressed his commitment to being the voice of the people and driving progress as a bridge between communities.

  • Ultimately, the question remains: Will Nana Kwame Bediako’s message and vision strike a chord with the electorate?

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