
IMANI Africa Critiques Performance Tracker as Vague, Calls for More Data

Policy think tank, IMANI Africa, has urged the government to enhance the quality of information and data provided on the recently introduced Performance Tracker.

According to the think tank, while the tracker represents a positive policy initiative, it requires additional data and information to enhance its effectiveness.

The Performance Tracker was officially unveiled by the Minister of Works and Housing, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. During the launch, Oppong Nkrumah highlighted that the tracker currently encompasses over 13,000 projects nationwide.

Senior Research Associate at IMANI Africa, Amprofi Agyemang, criticized the Performance Tracker as lacking clarity during an appearance on The Big Issue on Citi FM and Citi TV.

Agyemang emphasized the importance of Ghanaians receiving value for money from the tracker and stressed the need for improvements to ensure its effectiveness.

“The tracker needs more information, it needs real data and the data must be available to independent bodies to validate for themselves and moving forward, one of the things, they could do is an independent body so that the validation exercise is really worthwhile because you cannot just come and set up a good website and just expect that people will not ask questions and I believe that when people begin to verify these things intensely, we could see a few flaws.

“Because we have spent money doing this, we need to be able to improve it and the only way to improve it is to provide all the needed information because it seems pretty vague to be frank. We need more information to make it more holistic.”

Source/Citi FM and Citi TV

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