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Majority Caucus has petitioned Bagbin for the urgent recall of Parliament

The Majority Caucus in Parliament has urgently requested the reconvening of the House.

In a letter authored by the Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, reference was made to Article 112(3) and Order 53 of the Standing Orders of Parliament, which empower 15 percent of the House members to call for the recall of parliament.

The Majority Caucus aims to address crucial government business matters, including the adoption of the Thirty-Fourth Report of the Appointments Committee and a motion on additional financing.

The petitioners are urging Parliament to reconvene for the consideration of a motion regarding an “Additional Financing Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the International Development Association (IDA) for an amount of US$150 million to finance the ongoing Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) Project.” Additionally, they seek deliberation on a “Request for Tax Exemption for selected beneficiaries under the One District One Factory (1D1F) Programme.”

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