
New SHS curriculum offers personalized learning paths – EduWatch

Executive Director of Eduwatch, Kofi Asare

Kofi Asare, the Executive Director of Africa Education Watch, emphasized that Ghana’s new secondary school curriculum is adaptable, allowing students to select subjects that resonate with their strengths and interests.

During an interview on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Kofi discussed the implementation of the curriculum, noting that, in contrast to the previous system, students now have the freedom to choose and modify their subject selections.

He further clarified that first-year students undergo assessments upon entry to determine their strengths and the subjects best suited for their studies.

“The curriculum includes a remedial component for Maths and English, where diagnostic tests will be conducted upon entry to assess students’ strengths. Based on the test results, interventions can then be targeted at those who need additional support,” Kofi said.

He added, “The curriculum also features a flexible subject selection process, allowing students to determine their academic pathway.”

Describing the advantages of the new curriculum, Kofi noted, “When you enter secondary school, you might not know what you want to study at university. Even I didn’t know at first. It is through your academic journey that you discover your interests. This curriculum provides the flexibility that, when you do make a decision about your future career, you still have the option to switch subjects or move between disciplines.”

Kofi Asare urged parents and other stakeholders to support the new curriculum, highlighting its potential to assist learners in achieving their academic and career aspirations.

Recently, the Ministry of Education, in partnership with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) and the Ghana Education Service (GES), launched the revamped secondary education curriculum for Senior High Schools (SHS), Senior High Technical Schools (SHTS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) schools nationwide.

Over the past two years, NaCCA, the body responsible for curriculum development in Ghana, has collaborated with GES to design and implement this new curriculum, which is now being utilized in all second-cycle institutions.


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