
Nigeria’s AFCON budget was never 1.3, I called NFF officials & they said it was $7m – Henry Asante Twum

The Communication director of the Ghana Football Association Henry Asante Twum has debunked reports going around that Nigeria sent a budget of $1.3m to the recently held AFCON in Ivory Coast.

According to the Communication director of the Ghana Football Association, he has spoken to officials of the NFF who confirmed to him that Nigeria sent a budget of $7m to the AFCON.

Following Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif’s confirmation that an estimated $8.5 was budgeted for Ghana’s national football team with $5 million released by the Finance Ministry, many have questioned why Ghana would send such an outrageous budget to the AFCON compared to the top African countries.

Ghana spent around $3 million at the AFCON 2023 tournament, despite the Black Stars’ early exit, according to the Minister of Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif.

It was widely circulated even by Members of Parliament that even Nigeria sent a budget of less than $2m but According to the GFA communication director, that information was false. “I have called officials from the NFF and they told me that they budgeted $7m,” He said.

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