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NMC must combat media harassment of public officials – Fatimatu Abubakar

Fatimatu Abubakar, the Minister-designate for Information, has urged the National Media Commission (NMC) to take decisive action against individuals found guilty of defaming and harassing public officials and others within the media.

This call comes in response to concerns raised by Joseph Osei-Owusu, the Chairman of Parliament’s Appointments Committee, who expressed apprehension about the intentional distortion of information by a group of individuals in the media, commonly referred to as ‘bloggers.

Mr. Osei Owusu also conveyed his distress over the ongoing mistreatment of prominent figures in the country by certain media personnel across various platforms.

During her vetting on Friday, March 8, 2024, Fatimatu Abubakar urged the NMC to intensify its enforcement efforts, emphasizing the need to combat media harassment of public officials.

“The National Media Commission has the mandate, I pray, and we will encourage them to crack the whip, and enhance enforcement. If they do that, the public will have the assurances that when there are any infractions, the perpetrators will be dealt with.”

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