Businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome is contesting the General Legal Council’s (GLC) decision to disbar Chief State Attorney Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh over the transfer of GH¢400,000 into his wife’s bank account.

Addressing the media on Friday, February 16, Mr. Woyome maintained that he has never paid, nor will he ever pay a bribe. He emphasized that the state attorney is being victimized.

“I want you to understand one thing that I have been law-abiding in this country. I’ve never given a bribe or taken a bribe because I’ve never been in a government position neither have I benefited from any government money whatsoever in any government,” he said.

Mr. Woyome’s comments follow the General Legal Council’s (GLC) disbarment of Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh from practicing as a lawyer for receiving GH¢400,000 from him in 2011.

In a notice dated January 31, 2024, the GLC stated that while defending the state against a lawsuit by Mr. Woyome in 2011, Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh personally facilitated the direct transfer of GH¢400,000 from Mr. Woyome to his wife’s bank account.

The GLC asserted that Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh failed to provide any reasonable explanation for the mentioned transfer of GH¢400,000 into his wife’s bank account.

In response, Mr. Woyome contends that the money was a loan he extended to Mrs. Nerquaye-Tetteh. He argues that it is inappropriate to mistreat the Chief State Attorney, who has actively contributed to the country’s improvement.

“Well, that’s the statement they [GLC] had made and that is the cost for which somebody’s son, somebody’s higher working individual who has worked for all the political parties including Nana Addo and other people.

“He has worked very hard for Ghana and has saved Ghana a lot of money by going outside to fight against judgment debt and winning them. This is what is said when to punish this gentleman for nothing he has done.”

Mr. Woyome emphasized that the GLC’s statement regarding the conduct of Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh is unfortunate. He acknowledged that the GLC is a body mandated by statute to regulate the conduct of practicing lawyers, including individuals on the bench.

“But to say anything further I will say that the General Legal Council is not a law court. It’s a civil judicial body which has equivalence to the High Court of Ghana.

“And its decisions can be challenged and its decisions ought to be challenged to make sure that the law and our own freedom and justice, which is the basis on which the Constitution is written, is respected,” he said.

He disclosed that he attempted to participate in the GLC case against Mr. Tetteh, but his request was denied.


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