In a groundbreaking move, the Otumfuo Osei Tutu Foundation, in partnership with Newmont Ghana and Coral Reef Innovation Hub, has donated an AI laboratory to students in Wioso, revolutionizing their education.
The cutting-edge facility promises to unlock endless possibilities that will catapult learners into the forefront of technological innovation.
The Otumfuo Osei Tutu ll Foundation is dedicated to progress and innovation. Through their visionary spirit, they are paving the way for a future where technology has no limits. By creating opportunities for state-of-the-art AI resources, students can explore, create, and excel in the digital age.
The AI Lab, aimed at promoting STEM education, is to equip students with essential skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Nana Prof Oheneba Boachie-Adjei Owoahene II emphasized the importance of integrating new technologies into education, citing the lab as a platform to bridge the gap between rural and urban educational opportunities.
“This Al Lab is provided to expose the school children here to be part of new technology and scientific advancement that could activate the interest of the students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
His Royal Majesty in the past 25 years has been committed to enhancing the lives of people in our communities through the provision of quality education, quality health, and the promotion of programs in ICT among others.
This Al Lab for the people of Wioso is evidence of the continued commitment of the King to ensure that the people in our rural communities are provided access to various opportunities that are easily accessible to our brothers and sisters in cities and big towns”.
According to Nana Boachie-Adjei, the initiative reflects the longstanding commitment of His Majesty, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, to uplift rural communities through access to quality education and technological resources. With a focus on nurturing future innovators and problem-solvers, the AI Lab in Wioso stands as a beacon of hope for the community’s youth, offering them opportunities for growth and development in an increasingly digital world.
David Johnson, the Director of Communications and External Relations at Newmont, emphasized the collaborative efforts between Newmont and the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation in bringing the initiative to life. Johnson highlighted their commitment to bridging the digital gap in underprivileged communities.
He pointed out that even though these communities are far from major city centers and infrastructure, they are rich in talent and creativity. Therefore, they deserve opportunities to flourish. The partnership between Newmont and the Foundation is aimed to support children in these communities and equip them to compete in today’s digital world.
The Coral Reef Innovation Hub has emphasized the significant impact of this generous donation on students. The AI Lab provides opportunities for students with interests in coding and engineering, opening doors to a limitless world of potential. The lab nurtures the next generation of trailblazers and thought leaders.
This groundbreaking initiative is to empower students to soar to new heights, shaping a brighter tomorrow fueled by innovation and creativity.