
U.S. Election: No one deserves victory more than Donald Trump – Dana White

Dana Frederick White Jr., an American businessman and the CEO and president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), stated that Donald Trump is deserving of victory in the 47th U.S. presidential election.

White made these remarks in West Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump delivered a victory speech to the American people after claiming the election win.

According to Dana, “Nobody deserves this more than him, and nobody deserves it more than his family. This is what happens when the machine comes after you. What you’ve seen over the last seven years is what it looks like—they couldn’t stop him. He kept going forward, and he didn’t quit.”

With great excitement, Dana added, “He is the most resilient, hardworking man I’ve ever met in my life. His family are incredible people. He deserves it.”

Donald Trump welcomed Dana White to the stage, noting White as one of his key supporters throughout his political career.

Trump currently leads the election with 51.2% of the vote and 266 electoral votes, while Vice President Kamala Harris holds 47.2% and 219 electoral votes. Results from seven states are still pending.


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